- Start of project “Innovative integrated system for the management of risk and life time of high voltage power substations equipment”
- End of Project “Innovative integrated ICT system for real-time control and monitoring of the power quality and losses on transmission and distribution lines in the national power system”
- NOVA INDUSTRIAL S.A. is the winner of the contract “Study on the analysis of the condition of RET equipment with normal operating time exceeded”, which will technically examine 21 transformers, 8 autotransformers and 4 circuit breakers belonging to CNTEE Transelectrica!
- Start of Project “Innovative integrated ICT system for real-time control and monitoring of the power quality and losses on transmission and distribution lines in the national power system”
- End of Project “Integrated monitoring and control system for real-time complete assessment of the functional status of the power grids assembly”
- End of Project Synchronized complex system for monitoring SMART Grids of high voltage substations” (Acronym SINCRO-SMART)
- End of Project “Complex system for on and off-line monitoring of high voltage assets, part of the National Power System” (Acronym ACTIV-SMART)
- NOVA INDUSTRIAL SA is the official consultant of CNTEE Transelectrica S.A. in the “Power stations” domain, for period 2015-2018 (consecutively after period 2011-2014)
- Start of Project “Integrated monitoring and control system for real-time complete assessment of the functional status of the power grids assembly”
- Smart Grids – On–line monitoring of three power stations part of CNTEE Transelectrica – the Romanian TSO!
- Start of Project “Complex system for on and off-line monitoring of high voltage assets, part of the National Power System”(Acronym ACTIV-SMART)
- Start of Project “Synchronized complex system for monitoring SMART Grids of high voltage substations”(Acronym SINCRO-SMART)”
- Medal for outstanding performances – “iENA Nuremberg – International Trade Fair Ideas-Inventions-New Products”
- “Diploma for the high scientific and technological level of the invention”, offered by the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth and ANCS – Nation al Authority for Scientific Research
- Smart Grids – from concept and research to practical implementation! On –line monitoring of 400/110kV power station Darste!
Smart Grids – On-line monitoring of three power stations part of CNTEE Transelectrica – the Romanian TSO 17th November 2011
