- Start of project “Innovative integrated system for the management of risk and life time of high voltage power substations equipment”
- End of Project “Innovative integrated ICT system for real-time control and monitoring of the power quality and losses on transmission and distribution lines in the national power system”
- NOVA INDUSTRIAL S.A. is the winner of the contract “Study on the analysis of the condition of RET equipment with normal operating time exceeded”, which will technically examine 21 transformers, 8 autotransformers and 4 circuit breakers belonging to CNTEE Transelectrica!
- Start of Project “Innovative integrated ICT system for real-time control and monitoring of the power quality and losses on transmission and distribution lines in the national power system”
- End of Project “Integrated monitoring and control system for real-time complete assessment of the functional status of the power grids assembly”
- End of Project Synchronized complex system for monitoring SMART Grids of high voltage substations” (Acronym SINCRO-SMART)
- End of Project “Complex system for on and off-line monitoring of high voltage assets, part of the National Power System” (Acronym ACTIV-SMART)
- NOVA INDUSTRIAL SA is the official consultant of CNTEE Transelectrica S.A. in the “Power stations” domain, for period 2015-2018 (consecutively after period 2011-2014)
- Start of Project “Integrated monitoring and control system for real-time complete assessment of the functional status of the power grids assembly”
- Smart Grids – On–line monitoring of three power stations part of CNTEE Transelectrica – the Romanian TSO!
- Start of Project “Complex system for on and off-line monitoring of high voltage assets, part of the National Power System”(Acronym ACTIV-SMART)
- Start of Project “Synchronized complex system for monitoring SMART Grids of high voltage substations”(Acronym SINCRO-SMART)”
- Medal for outstanding performances – “iENA Nuremberg – International Trade Fair Ideas-Inventions-New Products”
- “Diploma for the high scientific and technological level of the invention”, offered by the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth and ANCS – Nation al Authority for Scientific Research
- Smart Grids – from concept and research to practical implementation! On –line monitoring of 400/110kV power station Darste!
Start of Project “Synchronized complex system for monitoring SMART Grids of high voltage subtations” 25th June 2013
Start of Project “Synchronized complex system for monitoring SMART Grids of high voltage substations”. PDF-64.7KB